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Skidmore College
Off-Campus Study & Exchanges


Areas of Study:
  • 火博体育和批准的课程提供给所有专业
  • 人文、艺术、商业、社会科学、科学
Cost & Aid:
  • Comprehensive fee
  • 经济援助适用于所有项目
  • 一些项目提供自己的经济援助
Things to Consider:
  • 学术契合度和课程设置
  • 其他选择,比如实习和志愿服务
  • 与东道国国民的互动程度
  • On-site support
  • Housing options

Points for Parents


Approximately 60% of Skidmore students study abroad at least once during their four years at Skidmore. 通过火博体育自己的国际课程,学生们可以 following choices --  伦敦第一年实习(FYE), Skidmore in Spain , Skidmore in New Zealand, and Skidmore in France. 此外,Skidmore还批准了几个非Skidmore项目(Approved Programs") that offer students opportunities across the globe, with course offerings ranging 从原住民研究到动物学. 可能性是无限的! Please read the 有关每个选项的详细信息的特定于程序的描述.


Skidmore expects study abroad applicants to have a strong academic background. Students must have at least a 2.75 GPA to be eligible. 一些项目要求更有竞争力 standards and/or require special academic preparation, including course prerequisites 外语能力. 学生还必须有良好的社会和经济状况 站在学习的时候.

When Students Go

学生可以在大二、大三或大四期间出国留学. Skidmore also has a 为一年级学生开设的伦敦项目. We urge students to consider a full year of study to achieve stronger integration with the host culture and to benefit from a wider range of course offerings; however, 尽管如此,许多学生还是选择在国外学习一个学期. 旅游研讨会也可以提供 在一月、三月和暑假期间.

Credits and Grades

Most students receive major, minor, and elective credit for their time off-campus through careful planning in selecting courses and obtaining faculty and Registrar approvals. Credits earned through London FYE, Skidmore in France, Skidmore in Spain, and Skidmore in New Zealand are Skidmore resident credits and the grades earned are 计入火博体育的平均绩点. 在所有非skidmore认可课程中获得的学分 are transfer credits; students must earn a "C" or above for Skidmore to accept the credit. Transfer credit grades are not calculated in the Skidmore GPA and the grades 都没有出现在火博体育的案底上.

How Students Fare Abroad

Skidmore students who study abroad nearly always say, “This was the most important 我这辈子做过的最糟糕的事.“他们在国外的成绩通常与他们的成绩相当 grades on the home campus and their studies are enriched by the faculty and facilities of other nations. 他们还获得了具有非凡价值的国际视野 and grow immeasurably in personal confidence, self-reliance, and academic independence.

Safe and Sound

Your child is considering studying off-campus or is close to departing to his/her program. 虽然学生们渴望和兴奋地参加这个具有挑战性和 rewarding experience, some parents may be feeling some apprehension about their child studying abroad. 斯基德莫肯定把你学生的安全放在第一位 list of priorities. 我们和国外的项目沟通,监控资源 report on safety concerns, and provide information to our students about how they 外出时能保护自己吗.

While there can be no guarantee that your student will be safe, it may not surprise you to learn that statistics show that studying abroad is overwhelming safe.   海外教育论坛, an organization that develops standards of good practice for education abroad, has done extensive data collection on “critical incidents” involving students abroad. It issued a report in March 2016 analyzing insurance data that demonstrated that incident rates are 在国外学习的学生比在美国学习的学生要低.S. campuses.

校外学习办公室 & 交易所(OCSE)积极做好准备 我们的学生在校外学习. OCSE相信,见多识广的学生也是如此 as parents and guardians, are important partners in preparing our students to study off-campus. We want to provide our students with vital resources and essential information 为他们的学术经历做准备. 因此,作为校外学习的一部分 process:

  • Students receive a series of pre-departure newsletters leading up to their semester 在校外,涵盖了广泛的重要主题. Students are also required 参加强制性的出发前培训. 方向提供了重要的 为学生准备校外学习的一般信息.
  • Students receive an off-campus study handbook. This handbook contain valuable information on processes, policies and resources for study off campus.
  • Every student that studies off campus through a Skidmore program or approved international program is provided with 国际医疗保险. The plan not only provides accident and emergency medical coverage, it also includes benefits such as emergency reunion and medical and security evacuation benefit.
  • Skidmore College’s Health Services is available to administer most required and recommended 目的地国家的疫苗接种. 卫生服务部门也可以提供以下协助 information on local resources but we recommend students use the CDC for the most current requirements.

作为家长/监护人,你可能会问自己应该怎么做? How can you help?

  • Talk with your student about your concerns and discuss ways in which they can mitigate 任何风险和实践行为将增加他们的安全. 
  • Visit the OCSE出发前网页. 了解学生需要理解的信息. Being informed is the best preparation. 
  • In preparation of any emergencies abroad, make certain your passport is up to date.  The passport should be valid 6 months from the end date of the student’s program.
  • In case of any emergency, look for emails from OCSE and monitor the OCSE web site for safety updates. 虽然通过新闻了解情况很重要,但请记住 that media outlets thrive on sensationalizing events surrounding any emergency. It is best to communicate directly with your student or Skidmore to understand what is 与我们的学生在现场进行.


在校外学习的学生将被收取学费 Skidmore comprehensive fee 一个学期或一年的时间. 这笔费用相当于火博体育的学费,在 the on campus apartment rate, board as applicable, and mandatory college fees. If the student's program does not include room and/or board, or only includes partial 董事会,火博体育的费用将相应调整. 火博体育在付房租 收费将反映学生选择家庭住宿的选择,如果有的话. The Skidmore comprehensive fee also covers mandatory medical insurance and any other mandatory 每个项目所需的项目费用. 学生自己支付机票费用, text books, personal expenses (including passport and visa charges), accommodation 升级,自愿实地考察和短途旅行. Please see “Finance FAQs以获取更多信息.


We encourage students to start exploring program possibilities late in their first 并尽早提交申请. Typically, a program's application deadline falls during the semester prior to participation, however there are some programs 需要提前一年提交申请. Each Skidmore program has a deadline that falls during the semester before participation, while non-Skidmore 批准的课程要求学生遵守2个截止日期. Students applying to a non-Skidmore Approved Program must first submit an “Approved Programs” application 火博体育校外学习办公室 & Exchanges. 批准的典型截止日期 Program application are mid-March for fall or academic year programs and mid-October for spring programs, however the actual deadline will rely upon the non-Skidmore program's own deadline. Please read our "Getting Started" page to learn about our eligibility requirements, program selection process, and the application process.

Application deadlines for travel seminars vary by program and can often be set a full year in advance.

Additional Resources

有各种各样的资源可供学生和家长使用. The most popular ones are:

More Information

Off-Campus Study & 交易所位于星巴克中心202. We encourage you to send your student to see us and speak with an advisor between the hours of 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon and 周一至周五下午1:00至4:30

家长也不妨复习一下我们的 出发前资料组 for additional information. 请联系校外学习 & Exchanges with any questions at or +1.518.580.5355.